Tips and Links for Writers

For years I was a "closet" writer. I never let anyone read my writing but talked about it endlessly. I drove my husband nuts and he finally challenged me to "do something about it...or shut up."
Challenge accepted.
Little did he know he would become a writing widower. He now spends countless hours watching TV alone while I bang on the keyboard, peruse craft books or disappear to workshops and conferences.
I dreamed of becoming a published author as soon as I picked up my first Harlequin book. But it was one of those dreams I kept secret because I never thought it could actually come true. I can say this has been the most marvelous journey I've ever been on. I've made life long friends, met fabulous people, including some of my favorite authors.
If you dream of becoming a writer, my first piece of advice is to find a core group of like-minded writers. They will become your cheerleaders, critique partners and prayer warriors. Professional organizations such as the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), FHLCW (Faith, Hope & Love Christian Writers), NINC (Novelists Inc) and RWA (Romance Writers of America) are just a few of the many groups available. Find one that fits you.
In addition, I read a lot of craft books. Some I read and put aside. Some I use every time I start to write. It is my pleasure to share some of the resources I've come to rely on.
Newsletters & Classes
Tina Radcliffe's Writer's Resources - The BEST collection of resources for writer's I've ever found. This monthly newsletter shares publishing news, contest information, classes, conferences and workshops.
Joanne M. Grant - former editor with Harlequin with a wealth of resources for writers. She has a Monday Motivation video each week on Facebook and a really great newsletter with lots of information.
Becca Syme has a wealth of information for writers. Her Write Better Faster Academy has helped me on so many levels. Additionally, her youtube videos are amazing!
Discovering Story Magic - I've taken a lot of craft classes....a LOT! But this is one class that I go back to and review again and again.
Joanne M. Grant - former editor with Harlequin with a wealth of resources for writers. She has a Monday Motivation video each week on Facebook and a really great newsletter with lots of information.
Becca Syme has a wealth of information for writers. Her Write Better Faster Academy has helped me on so many levels. Additionally, her youtube videos are amazing!
Discovering Story Magic - I've taken a lot of craft classes....a LOT! But this is one class that I go back to and review again and again.
Websites for Writers
One Stop For Writers - If you love the writing thesaurus books by Angela Akerman & Becca Puglisis, this site is for you! It has every resource you could ever need, including the fabulous thesauruses, plotting helpers and everything in between!
The Ambitious Author - Fabulous advice on marketing, email lists and launch teams. A must for anyone interested in Indie publishing
Grammar Girl - Have questions on using affect vs. effect? Where to put that comma? This site is super helpful.
Helping Writers Become Authors - K.M. Weiland always has amazing tips and advice on her blog. She has some great books on writing as well.
Story Sensei - Camy Tang is a wonderful author who has a website that is packed full of worksheets to help writers. Need help with a synopsis? She's got it. Want to deepen your POV? It's covered. She has worksheets from everything from self-editing to the hero's journey. Don't forget to sign up for her helpful newsletter while you're there.
Writers Helping Writers - Another great resource from the fabulous Angela Akerman & Becca Puglisi. This site is packed with tools for writers.
Stephie Smith - great resource for writing and contests
Jami Gold's website is a terrific resource, especially if you're as addicted to beat sheets as I am.
Seekerville - A must visit site! I've met more people through this site and learned more from the fabulous ladies at Seekerville than I could ever imagine.
The Ambitious Author - Fabulous advice on marketing, email lists and launch teams. A must for anyone interested in Indie publishing
Grammar Girl - Have questions on using affect vs. effect? Where to put that comma? This site is super helpful.
Helping Writers Become Authors - K.M. Weiland always has amazing tips and advice on her blog. She has some great books on writing as well.
Story Sensei - Camy Tang is a wonderful author who has a website that is packed full of worksheets to help writers. Need help with a synopsis? She's got it. Want to deepen your POV? It's covered. She has worksheets from everything from self-editing to the hero's journey. Don't forget to sign up for her helpful newsletter while you're there.
Writers Helping Writers - Another great resource from the fabulous Angela Akerman & Becca Puglisi. This site is packed with tools for writers.
Stephie Smith - great resource for writing and contests
Jami Gold's website is a terrific resource, especially if you're as addicted to beat sheets as I am.
Seekerville - A must visit site! I've met more people through this site and learned more from the fabulous ladies at Seekerville than I could ever imagine.
Craft Books for Writers
Gwen Hayes - Romancing the Beat: Do all the different writing processes and structure leave you confused and frustrated? This one is designed especially for romance writers and really breaks things down and make it simple. Download a free PDF beat sheet here. But do yourself a favor and buy the book, too!
Debra Dixon: GMC - Goal, Motivation and Conflict: A MUST! Ever story, no matter what the genre, falls short if it doesn't contain these three essential elements.
Liz Fielding's Little Book of Writing Romance
James Scott Bell: Writing Your Novel From the Middle. Or any of his books on writing.
Angela Akerman & Becca Puglisi: The Emotional Thesaurus. You MUST HAVE this book!!!!!!!!! In addition, they now have multiple thesaurus books that will help you with everything from conflict to setting!
K.M. Weiland: Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success AND Structuring Your Novel
Jodie Renner: Fire Up Your Fiction
Jill Elizabeth Nelson: Rivet Your Readers with Deep Point of View
Michael Hauge: The Hero's 2 Journeys. The 6 stage Plot Structure really struck a chord with me.
Julie Lessman: Romance-ology 101
Susan May Warren: Conversations with a Writing Coach. Also, The Story Equation. Both of these are fabulous!
Melinda Curtis - Frankly My Dear: Creating Unforgettable Characters
Laurie Schnebly Campbell - Believable Characters: Creating with Enneagrams
Debra Dixon: GMC - Goal, Motivation and Conflict: A MUST! Ever story, no matter what the genre, falls short if it doesn't contain these three essential elements.
Liz Fielding's Little Book of Writing Romance
James Scott Bell: Writing Your Novel From the Middle. Or any of his books on writing.
Angela Akerman & Becca Puglisi: The Emotional Thesaurus. You MUST HAVE this book!!!!!!!!! In addition, they now have multiple thesaurus books that will help you with everything from conflict to setting!
K.M. Weiland: Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success AND Structuring Your Novel
Jodie Renner: Fire Up Your Fiction
Jill Elizabeth Nelson: Rivet Your Readers with Deep Point of View
Michael Hauge: The Hero's 2 Journeys. The 6 stage Plot Structure really struck a chord with me.
Julie Lessman: Romance-ology 101
Susan May Warren: Conversations with a Writing Coach. Also, The Story Equation. Both of these are fabulous!
Melinda Curtis - Frankly My Dear: Creating Unforgettable Characters
Laurie Schnebly Campbell - Believable Characters: Creating with Enneagrams
Organizational Helpers
I'm not the most organized person in the world. So I have looked into lots of resources to help me get organized, stay on task and be more productive. The following resources are ones that I've used personally and have found helpful!
*I do not receive any compensation for recommending these tools. I only recommend things that I've tried myself and like. As far as I know, these companies aren't even aware I'm recommending them!
*I do not receive any compensation for recommending these tools. I only recommend things that I've tried myself and like. As far as I know, these companies aren't even aware I'm recommending them!
Kanbantools - I have tried everything to keep me organized and on task. I've spent hundreds of dollars on planners that I never open. Kanban boards are one of the few things that I use that word for my weird brain! This website has a digital version that I love. And it's free!!!
Later - If you are like me, you don't want to spend all your time on social media. Later is a great way to manage your social media accounts in one place. They have both a free and paid version and I found the free version more than adequate for my needs!
Zoho - Zoho has a variety of tools for everything from websites (ZohoSites) to social media management (ZohoSocial) to marketing (ZohoCRMplus), newsletters (ZohoCampaigns) to online accounting (ZohoBooks) and everything in between. Some things have a free version and others have different pricing options. Many of their apps are geared more for businesses and offer more things than I personally would ever need, but the company is easy to work with and when I become rich and famous and need more people to help me manage all my stuff, they are the first people I will contact!
Plottr - I love this tool that not only helps me plot my books, but helps me organize characters, places, ect.
Later - If you are like me, you don't want to spend all your time on social media. Later is a great way to manage your social media accounts in one place. They have both a free and paid version and I found the free version more than adequate for my needs!
Zoho - Zoho has a variety of tools for everything from websites (ZohoSites) to social media management (ZohoSocial) to marketing (ZohoCRMplus), newsletters (ZohoCampaigns) to online accounting (ZohoBooks) and everything in between. Some things have a free version and others have different pricing options. Many of their apps are geared more for businesses and offer more things than I personally would ever need, but the company is easy to work with and when I become rich and famous and need more people to help me manage all my stuff, they are the first people I will contact!
Plottr - I love this tool that not only helps me plot my books, but helps me organize characters, places, ect.